"When one person photographs another, they share a bond that has been long lost in human interaction. Whether the culprit of the snap is a lover or stranger, for a brief instance your focus is on each other -- at times you gaze into other's eyes for seconds, even minutes on end. And although a camera may serve to masquerade what would otherwise be naked concentration on the other, what perhaps compensates for this is the final result, a permanent imprint of the moment. Taking 'JJ,' I simply flipped one on its head to face each other.
Instant Reflection."

Adriel Luis, designer of logo

© 2024 JJ Jumoc-Casas



About JJ Casas

I'm JJ (Jumoc-)Casas and I'm a portrait & commercial photographer in South San Francisco. I'm also the Creative Director of 8:45a, a photo and cinematography production company serving startups to Fortune 500 companies. 
I'm a proud Wildcat of St. Ignatius College Preparatory ('05) and Don of University of San Francisco ('10).
When not photographing, you can find me: learning through my endless list of magazine subscriptions, browsing the internet for notable photography work, drinking Aeropressed coffee, or reading business books on my Kindle.


Currently writing on sellingsales.com where I share my ins and outs as a creative selling.
My first email: how I ended up photographing a billion dollar power couple through a DM in Instagram